Phantom Holder Adjustment Hinge
2120144 | |
2120144-2 2120144-3 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- High corrosion resistance
- High ductile strength
- Good yield strength
- Good thermal conductivity
Product Overview
The Phantom Holder Adjustment Hinge is a type of pivoting brackets joined by a pin. The hinge is fastened between two parts to provide a swinging or pivoting motion to the brackets and also hinge gives the various angular movement to the components. A hinge is made of two different components, one is the leaves and the other one is a pin. The leaves part is made of an aluminum material. Aluminum is a lightweight material that has characteristics like corrosion resistance, reflectivity, thermal conductivity and high ductile strength. The pin is made of steel material that has good yield strength and high corrosion resistance. The pin joins the two leaves parts. This part is widely used in CT LightSpeed 5.X HP60 16-Slice, NM Optima NM/CT 640, CT BrightSpeed Edge Select 8 – Slice, XV Angio CT Single plane, CT Optima CT580W 16-Slice, PET Discovery 690, CT LightSpeed 3.X Ultra 8-Slice, Unassigned MV, CT Optima CT660 32/64/128-Slice, PET Discovery ST 4-Slice and CT Hispeed CTi 1-Slice among others.